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  • Writer's pictureSarah Arndt

Tollhouse Cookies

Okay, so this (technically) isn't a family recipe, but it is a family favorite! I baked these about a week before the deer rifle season (often a deer comes up when I have coffee and a cookie). They tasted great at home, but when I took a bite in the woods, they were terrible! I had placed them in a reusable bag which apparently still had soap inside, so the cookies took on that flavor. Well, I still got a deer and the squirrels enjoyed the cookies so it worked out!


2 1/4 cup flour

1 tsp baking soda

1 tsp salt

1 cup softened butter

3/4 cup sugar

3/4 cup packed brown sugar

1 tsp vanilla

2 eggs

1-2 cup chocolate chips

1 cup chopped nuts


1) Sift together flour, soda, salt, and set aside

2) Cream together butter, sugars, and vanilla, then add eggs

3) Slowly add the flour mixture

4) Fold in chocolate and nuts

5) Chill in fridge at least 1 hour before baking (you can skip this for time's sake but it keeps the cookies from spreading out so much)

6) Bake 350 F 10-12 minutes

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