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  • Writer's pictureSarah Arndt

Pepper Steak with Venison Tenderloin

On a visit to Gram and Pap's, Gram dug out some tenderloins from Pap and myself, and I decided to make some pepper steak as I also needed to use up some bell peppers/onions before they went bad. My mom made her own version of pepper steak for us growing up, but she recalls using more canned items that she's since strayed away from. I marinated the meat for 2 days (worth it!) and prepped the veggies the day before, so all I had to do was add everything in the pan and cook some rice. You can use any skillet, but cast iron works best here.


4 venison tenderloins (about 2 lb meat total)

2 cups each of onions and peppers sliced into 1/2 inch slices

3 T soy sauce

1 T teriyaki sauce

4 T fresh minced garlic

1 T fresh grated ginger (or dried, but use fresh if you can get it)

black pepper to taste

1/2 cup chicken broth + 2 T flour (to make a slurry to thicken the sauce)

1 cup white rice

Ingredients (Meat Marinade)

3 T olive oil

1 T rice wine vinegar

2 tsp fresh grated ginger

1 T fresh grated garlic

2 T soy sauce

black pepper to taste

1 tsp crushed red pepper


1) Start by marinating the meat in a large bag or bowl, massage all ingredients into the meat well. Place in the fridge for at least 2 hours (I did mine for 2 days and it was worth it)

2) Preheat the oven to 325 F. Heat a large skillet with 2 T olive oil on medium-high heat. Add the meat to brown on all sides, remove to a sheet pan and place in the oven to finish cooking. Check periodically so you don't overcook it as it will continue to cook in the pan at the end.

3) Add more oil if needed, then add the peppers and onions to medium heat. Cook about 15-20 minutes (they take a while to soften!). Add the leftover marinade to the pan as well.

4) Rinse your uncooked rice in water and discard water (keeps rice from sticking) and start to cook per package instructions.

5) Add the ginger and garlic to the pan, stir for 1 minute. Add the soy sauce, vinegar, teriyaki and stir. Add the broth/flour slurry and stir until thickened. Add more soy sauce if needed.

6) Slice the meat and add to the vegetables. Heat until warmed though and serve with rice.

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