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Canning Chicken Broth

Writer's picture: Sarah ArndtSarah Arndt

I've already made another post on how to make chicken broth, but I would freeze the broth in cubes/trays. This is convenient for small amounts of broth, but I also want to be able to have some canned so I don't have to think about thawing some out. I also made an earlier post on pressure-canning venison chili, and the overall canning technique is similar. Perfect for soups or just heating some up in a mug if you're not feeling well.

I have changed my method of making broth: Instead of simmering everything in a pot on the stove, I place all my scraps/bones in the crockpot, cover with water, and set in on low for overnight or longer. The broth turned a deep brown and has a richer flavor. Canning broth is actually very easy, but you do need a pressure canner and not a water bath canner so it is safe for consumption. I made 3 quart jars in this batch, but you can just as easily use pints.

*Make sure the fat is skimmed off before canning! I don't think it hurts anything, but you will be left with a layer of fat in the jars if you go straight from making broth to canning it

Supplies Needed:

Pressure canner (I use a Presto Pressure Canner and Cooker)

Jars, lids, rims

Jar remover

Lid/rim remover

Small spatula to remove air bubbles

Funnel to pour broth in jars


1) Wash all jars in hot, soapy water and place on a clean towel to dry. Make sure jars are warm before pouring the hot broth.

2) Sanitize the lids/rims in boiling water for several minutes. You can leave them in the water until ready to use.

3) Fill each of the jars with the hot broth leaving 1" headspace. Run a small spatula down the length of the inside of the jar to get rid of any bubbles. Carefully wipe the edge, inside/outside rim with a damp cloth with vinegar (cuts out the fat) before adding the lid/rim.

4) Place each jar into the canner immediately after filling and lock the canning lid in place. Make sure the steam vent cover is off.

5) Turn heat to medium-high and watch for a steady stream of steam. Once steam is flowing, allow to flow for 10 minutes then place the cover/valve over the vent.

6) Every pressure canner is different. My gauge is weighted and does not have a visual number of pounds/pressure. Watch your gauge until it reaches 10 lb pressure (my gauge moves in a steady rocking motion once it reaches pressure). Make sure you know where you are in terms of sea level, you may need to increase pressure if you are at a higher altitude (you can do a quick Google search to find out).

7) Process pints for 20 minutes and quarts for 25 minutes. Adjust heat as necessary to maintain the appropriate amount of pressure (about medium heat or slightly higher in my case).

8) Once done, turn off the heat and allow the pressure to return to 0. Don't touch anything during this time! This takes anywhere from 5-30 minutes.

9) After, remove steam vent cover and wait 5 minutes, then remove canning lid

10) Wait another 5 minutes and remove jars to a clean towel on the counter.

11) Let jars cool for 12 hours and don't touch them. Then you can check jars by pressing in the center for a seal. If there is no give in the center, the jar has sealed and good for 1 year. Any unsealed jars must be placed in the fridge or consumed immediately.

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