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  • Writer's pictureSarah Arndt

Kay's Spicy Pepper Glazed Pecans

Kay is a good friend of Gram's for a number of years, and I have gotten to know her as well. When I lived near my grandparents, each week Gram and I would go to her friend Bari's house which has an indoor pool with some other ladies. Everyone would bring snacks and the week's gossip, and these pecans were among one of the favorites. Eating these are like potato can't have just one!


4+ cups pecan halves

1 cup water

1 cup sugar

1+ tsp crushed red pepper (adjust to your spice tolerance. 1 tsp keeps them pretty mild)


1) Boil water, sugar, pepper on high heat

2) Add pecans and boil for 12 minutes on med-high heat stirring occasionally so the sugar won't burn

3) Bake 300 F 30 minutes on a lightly greased, foil-lined pan

Store in an airtight container for 2-3 months (if they last that long!)

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