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Homemade Harvest

Family Recipes and Outdoor Life

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Sarah and wild turkey tail feathers May 2022.JPG

Behind Homemade Harvest

Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Sarah and I am based in central PA. I started this as a way to share some of my favorite family recipes that have been passed down over the years and some recipes of my own. The outdoors has always been a big part of my life as I have been an avid hunter for nearly 15 years. I also enjoy playing with my cats, gardening, and knitting.  Thank you for visiting 😊

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Sweet Potato and Lentil Spiced Stew

I still had some lentils left over from my lentil mushroom stew and wanted to figure out what to do with them. I also didn't feel like...

The Easiest Peach Crisp

The winter months always make me want something warm from the summer months. I have quite a bit of peaches that I canned over the summer,...

Venison Stew

This is one of my favorite cold-weather venison recipes that can be done in the crockpot, dutch oven (I don't have one), or stovetop....

Tollhouse Cookies

Okay, so this (technically) isn't a family recipe, but it is a family favorite! I baked these about a week before the deer rifle season...

Venison Stroganoff

Deer rifle season has ended and I was fortunate enough to get a doe this year, so this means lots of venison needs to get used up to make...


This recipe is very easy and makes for great sandwiches, or if you just want to toast a couple slices to dip in olive oil and balsamic...

Old-Fashioned Apple Pie

Normally on Thanksgiving I bake the pumpkin pie (I use Libby's Famous Pie recipe) and my mom bakes the apple pie, but this year I got to...

Ham, Green Bean, and Potato Stew

This is easily one of my favorite cold-weather recipes made by both my mom and Gram. They each made it slightly differently, I think mine...

Venison Meatballs

Pap got 2 deer last year and we're still trying to go through all the ground venison before the rifle season starts. Venison is lean so...

Easy Vegetable Barley Soup

I'm trying to challenge myself by using up everything (or almost everything) in my freezer to reduce grocery trips. I have bags of frozen...

Chickpea Salad

This is more of a summer recipe, but I wanted to try and make something easy and healthy for lunches that I can make in advance. You can...

Spicy Lemon Green Beans

This may not be the fanciest of recipes, but it is one of my favorite ways to eat green beans. I can't take full credit for the recipe; a...

Sour Cream Bread

This recipe has several variations, but I always remembered it as the banana bread my mom made for us growing up. It was her way of...

Hearty Potato Lentil Stew

As much as I love rice and pasta, I wanted to try to experiment with lentils to make a stew. This doesn't have any meat and surprisingly...

Pap's French Toast

Ever since I was a kid Pap has almost always made French toast for breakfast when I go to visit. I used to sprinkle about a pound of...

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

It's fall hunting season which means it's time to bake cookies to enjoy with a cup of coffee hoping a deer or turkey shows up. It is...

Chicken Pot Pie from Scratch

While this recipe may be from scratch, it's definitely one that you can take some shortcuts on if you don't have time (using frozen...

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