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Homemade Harvest

Family Recipes and Outdoor Life

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Sarah and wild turkey tail feathers May 2022.JPG

Behind Homemade Harvest

Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Sarah and I am based in central PA. I started this as a way to share some of my favorite family recipes that have been passed down over the years and some recipes of my own. The outdoors has always been a big part of my life as I have been an avid hunter for nearly 15 years. I also enjoy playing with my cats, gardening, and knitting.  Thank you for visiting 😊

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Easy DIY Seed Book

With the summer gardening season coming to an end, I found myself in a sea of unorganized seed packets that I needed to deal with. I'm...

Starting the Compost Pile...In Winter

Okay, this isn't exactly the most exciting topic, but once I knew for sure I was going to have a garden plot I wanted to immediately...

Spatchcocking a Whole Chicken

I roast a whole chicken about once a month, and the baking process takes a long time (about 2 hours for a 6 lb bird!). My grandparents...

All-Natural Cold Remedy

With illnesses such as Covid-19, flu, and RSV going around, I think more people are turning to more natural remedies to help with some of...

Homemade Chicken Broth from Scraps

I've been making my own broth for quite some time now, and it's very easy! It might take some time to save up enough scraps to use, but...

Borax-Free Laundry Detergent

I started making my own detergent because everything is so expensive, and making your own detergent I find is so much cheaper. With...

Canning for Beginners...From a Beginner

Canning is something I grew up watching my mom and Gram do each summer and fall. They essentially take over the entire kitchen and I was...

Going Green: Be More Sustainable

Lately I've been working on cutting down waste and reducing my footprint. Some ways are easier than others and will depend on your...

Cast Iron Care and Use

I absolutely love my cast iron pan and use it all the time for just about anything: baking, roasting, pan frying. I held off on getting...

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